Yates Mavrik Gun 750ml
Controls various leaf-eating caterpillars, including tomato grub and cabbage white butterfly, on a range of vegetables and ornamentals. Also controls mites, aphids, thrips and whitefly.
For vegetables, fruit trees, roses and ornamentals
Broad spectrum insect pest and mite control
Water based synthetic pyrethroid
The website is a representation of what can be found in-store.
Controls various leaf-eating caterpillars, including tomato grub and cabbage white butterfly, on a range of vegetables and ornamentals. Also controls mites, aphids, thrips and whitefly.
For vegetables, fruit trees, roses and ornamentals
Broad spectrum insect pest and mite control
Water based synthetic pyrethroid
The website is a representation of what can be found in-store.
Controls various leaf-eating caterpillars, including tomato grub and cabbage white butterfly, on a range of vegetables and ornamentals. Also controls mites, aphids, thrips and whitefly.
For vegetables, fruit trees, roses and ornamentals
Broad spectrum insect pest and mite control
Water based synthetic pyrethroid
The website is a representation of what can be found in-store.