Everyone loves flowers and what better way to brighten your garden than using potted colour. These are established plants already in bloom, that give 2-3 months of fabulous floral displays.

  •  Great for seasonal gap fillers while awaiting longer term planting schemes to mature. In winter you can give fallow vegetable gardens a colour splash while awaiting spring.

  • Excellent for the novice gardener, giving instant results.

  • Can plant on mass knowing exact colours either in blocks or multicoloured displays. In autumn you can plant on top of bulbs while waiting for them to bloom.

  • An affordable quick fix available all year round. Gives an indication of what is good to grow now.

Planting and Care:

1. Check plant labels to ensure you have suitable conditions ie sun/shade/shelter. You can also check if the plant is suitable to be grown in a garden bed, hanging basket, or pot.

2. Prepare garden bed with compost, sheep pellets and blood ‘n’ bone. Area should be free draining soil in a sunny spot. If planting in pots, placing gravel or stones at bottom will provide good drainage but it’s not a necessity.

3. Dig hole twice width/depth of root ball. Place plant in hole and top it up with more soil, lightly press and water in well.

4. Add mulch to protect new plants from extreme temperatures, this also discourages weeds and helps keep your garden tidy.

5. Remove old blooms (deadhead) using sharp flower scissors to prevent stem damage and mould. We suggest feeding in spring with “Nitrophoska” to enhance blooming.

6. Weed around plant regularly to help encourage strong growth.

7. Assess water requirements by putting finger in soil. During summer months deep water every few days rather than quick daily watering.

 Examples of Potted Colour Available:

Summer: Petunias, Impatients, Marigolds, Salvias, Lobelia, Alyssum

Winter: Polyanthus, Primulas, Pansys